
Intense Intercession.  Intense Teaching.  Intense Proclamation.  This is one worker’s story from the recent August Intensive.


As I was getting ready for the first day of the Intensive, I became really sick. It got so bad that I had to go to the hospital and miss the first days of our outreach. I felt like all I could do was pray; honestly, it was a little discouraging.

However, once I started feeling better, I went to my first meeting. I was still very weak, though, so I sat down to pray on my way home from the meeting. I prayed for God to bring an Iranian friend to me.

The next thing I knew, there was an Iranian man sitting against the wall, beside a nearby church. The Lord had answered my prayer! I walked over to him and said hi. After a few short introductions, the man asked me if I was a Christian. When I responded that yes, I am a Christian, he told me he had visited a church during his vacation here. He had even asked a few locals to explain Christ to him and they couldn’t answer him. I was able to share the Gospel with him for the next hour, as we became friends. He didn’t make a decision but was so open and grateful that someone could finally tell him about Jesus. Even now, we remain in touch.

God is answering your prayers for Iran!  Keep praying with us that God would set up divine appointments between our team members and Iranians who are seeking Jesus.

Interested in a hands-on introduction to Live|Dead Iran?  We invite you to join us for a short term experience.  Come and see how God can use YOU to directly impact Iranians for Jesus.