What are Launch Teams?

For many the first season in missions can be a lot with new culture, new language, new friends, new joys, and new challenges. Live Dead is committed to seeing gospel access brought to the most unreached places in the world. That requires healthy teams of healthy people with the skills and support to give a lifetime to the work. The reality is that the above is just one beginning in a line of new beginnings as you continue to journey with the Lord. As you step into this next season, the first new beginning will likely be with a Live Dead Launch Team. The Launch Teams exist to prepare new workers for the harvest fields of the Silk Road by helping new missionaries learn to abide in Jesus within the Muslim context, acquire the tools and skills necessary to learn a second (or third or fourth) language, and gain an understanding and passion for crossing cultures to proclaim the gospel and establish the church where it does not exist.
Seasons of a Launch Team
SEASON 1: Language and culture fluency in target population
• Learn to share the gospel and make friends in your new language.
• Become a competent and engaged team member.
• Deepen the spiritual formation of your life in Christ and in community.
SEASON 2: Gospel proclamation and discipleship tools
• Continue to grow in sharing the gospel.
• Learn the early tools of discipleship.
• Grow deeper in your understanding of the complex context of local partnership and worldviews of the unreached.
• Develop your skills in teamwork and life together.
When you reach the end of your time on a Launch Team, you depart in one of three ways:
1. Recognize that you feel burdened for the unreached but are not called to reach them. You finish your term of service and return home with stories, a robust prayer life, and a passion to share about the great need with those around you.
2. You join a church planting team. You have been equipped with the foundational tools to start your work among the unreached.
3. A team forms from among those who have been on the Launch Team together. You go out to a new, untouched part of the world and work among the unreached.