Russia: There Must Be a Mistake
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Yosef is a young Muslim man who recently became open to deeper spiritual conversation. He admits that he hears voices at night that keep him awake and greatly disturb him. He has strong relationships with several friends who love and follow Jesus. They have shared the gospel with Yosef and he seems intrigued.
One of his friends gave him an audio copy of the Gospel of Mark in his native language. Yosef was shocked that any of the Bible had been translated into his language. When he was given the Gospel, he said,
“There must be a mistake. How could the Bible be in my language? It would be a great shame for a person from my people group to become a Christian.”
Regardless, Yosef is listening to the Gospel of Mark. We must pray and hold on to the promise that God will do a miracle and reach him and his people.
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