Live Dead seeks to mobilize advocates for the sake of unreached people groups. We have several ways in which you can partner with us—you can pray, speak, give, or go! Learn more about how you can get involved below.
We believe that every person is called to go, and Live Dead has multiple ways that you can participate in a global church planting movement. Join us for a week, a month, or a year, and pray about a lifetime. We all have a part. What’s yours? Learn more today about how and where you can go.

Prayer is the foundation of our church planting work. Live Dead has a strategy designed to aim prayerful hearts of believers of any age or denomination toward unreached people groups and church planting teams around the world. Our Pray Bands are a simple network that organize, stabilize, and multiply prayer as groups of people commit to coming together to pray and intercede for countries, teams, and the lost.
Join a Pray BandDon’t do the math; do your part. The pioneer work among the unreached comes with a cost. For some, it costs comfort: the comfort of grandparents living nearby or the comfort of good schooling options for children. For some, it may cost their lives. For others, the cost may come financially. But for all of us, this cost is born from a walk of obedience as we say “yes” to the Lord. As He leads you, you can partner financially with Live Dead on a monthly basis or with a one-time gift. Every dollar given goes directly to seeing churches planted among the unreached. We can’t do it without you.

Use what you love to speak for those God loves. So many of us live our lives and rarely, if ever, use our voice to shed light on the reality that billions of people in our world right now will never hear the gospel message. Live Dead wants to empower you to raise your voice and use your giftings to bring this issue to light. Music, art, poetry, and even social media are just some of the ways you can speak on behalf of the unreached. There is no limit to the creativity of our God. If you want to use your voice, we want to hear from you!
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