Azad: Introduction

To the unreached in Iran,
We pray continually for you, that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Iranian New Year (Nowruz) celebrations begin this weekend. Thousands of visitors will flood our team’s city, and for a brief window of time, have an opportunity to hear the Gospel.
Azad: Discovering Freedom is a fictional parable of the journey that many Iranians are on today. The characters represent the unreached Iranians that our team will meet this week. It is our hope that this story will guide your prayers for them.
Over the next few days, you will meet Farzin the father, Nayyar the mother, Sami the son, and Elham the daughter. All of them are on a journey.
We invite you to follow along with the Azad family as they discover true “Azad”: freedom.
Table of Contents
Interested in a hands-on introduction to Live Dead Iran? We invite you to join us for a short-term experience. Come and see how God can use YOU to directly impact Iranians for Jesus.