40% of the world’s population remains unreached.

Over three billion people live without access to the gospel, and every day thousands die having never heard the gospel. Less than one percent of missions giving goes to reach these people. This is unacceptable. Live Dead is dying to self so that the unreached might live for Jesus. We live dead with Christ as our sole focus to reach them so that Jesus may be glorified by every tribe, nation, 
and tongue.

Get Involved

When you lay down your life for the sake of the gospel…

Churches are

Misha and local believers returned to the home of woman who was healed of demon possession and found nearly fifty relatives assembled to hear the gospel. 

Read his story

Disciples are made.

A Live Dead missionary received a phone call from a Persian couple asking if she could meet and talk about Jesus.

Read their story

Communities are transformed.

Eden’s testimony to her family was that every time they beat her, they proved Islam wrong and Jesus right. One relative listened and his family came to Jesus.

Read her story

Christ is made known.

Sarah had a certain curiosity about Jesus in her heart. One day she called a Live Dead missionary and said, “I want to see Jesus in a dream. Will you pray with me?”

Read her story

LiveDead helps the church to reach the unreached throughout the world




church planting teams


years church planting experience



Partnering with all who love the gospel to plant churches all around the world

If you love Jesus and want to see Him glorified in the world, we want you to join our team, regardless of your affiliation. Live Dead was started and is stewarded by Assemblies of God World Mission. However, this task among the unreached is too large to leave to any one group. We partner with many to accomplish more.