
The blockbuster movie Titanic was the first Western feature film to be introduced to the Chinese market. It took China by storm because of the “love and then lost it forever” style of storyline. The song “My Heart Will Go On” is still a crowd favorite at K-TV (a karaoke business) and can be heard playing as you shop for groceries at the super- market. The Chinese culture as a whole loves the idea of love and romance. In fact, most of their entertainment is particularly centered around romantic tragedies: The hero always dies in the end for the one he loves to continue on living. This love of love opens up ways for the ultimate love story, the gospel, to be told.

One afternoon, Matt was chatting with some of the café staff. Most of them were young and single. They quickly switched the topic to dating and finding true love. They eagerly asked him about his love story with his wife, Annie. As he told their story, the staff began to bashfully smile and giggle because healthy romantic relationships are not normal. Even though that culture puts priority on the family structure, the majority of the café staff were brought up in broken homes absent of love. One of them, a young man named Yin, spoke up and said, “I do not think that I will ever have a love story like that.”

Matt responded, “You are right. You won’t have one just like this, but you will have your own special one.”

“How will I know what true love is when I see it?” Yin asked.

“Well,” Matt said, “there is a 2,000-year-old script that describes what true love really is. It was true the day it was writ- ten, and it is just as true today. Let me read it to you.” He then opened the Bible app on his phone and began to read 1 Corinthians 13 (a.k.a. the “love chapter”) out loud for everyone to hear. After he finished reading, Yin said with tears in his eyes, “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.”

“You’re right,” said Matt. “It’s beautiful because it describes the love that God shows to you and me. I only know how to love because of the love that God shows me. This is what true love looks like.”

Every believer is called to go

Whether to your neighbor across the street or to the nations across the world. At Live Dead, we exist to take the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard in the countries that have limited to no access to this good news. We seek to mobilize advocates, both individuals and churches, to pray, speak, give, and go for the sake of unreached people groups. How will you join us in this work?