A few years ago, all missionaries were forced to leave Sudan, and persecution of believers became very intense.
Saved in an underground church in the country, Adam was later thrown in prison. There he shared Jesus with the other prisoners who in turn gave their hearts to Jesus. The prison warden confronted Adam and said, “You can’t talk about Jesus in prison.” But that didn’t stop Adam. He continued preaching until the warden threw him into solitary confinement. Solitary confinement in a Sudanese prison is different from the solitary confinement of the prisons in Hollywood movies. Adam’s solitary confinement cell was literally the toilet stall. Locked in the toilet, Adam was forced to watch all prisoners use the bathroom 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all because he wouldn’t stop sharing his faith.
The warden was certain this would break Adam, that he would renounce his faith in Jesus and return to his Islamic roots. But it didn’t. Instead, Adam seemed happy in the solitary confinement toilet. The warden was confused, so he sent a guard in disguise in the toilet to see what was happening. He discovered that when each prisoner came into the toilet stall, rather feeling embarrassment and shame, Adam boldly took advantage of the fact that he had a captive audience and he shared Jesus. Adam was leading Muslim prisoners to Jesus in the toilet stall.
Adam boldly took advantage of the fact that he had a captive audience and he shared Jesus.
The warden gave up and announced he was releasing Adam from prison because he couldn’t keep him from preaching to fellow prisoners. Adam is now the pastor of an underground church in Sudan.
Every believer is called to go
Whether to your neighbor across the street or to the nations across the world. At Live Dead, we exist to take the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard in the countries that have limited to no access to this good news. We seek to mobilize advocates, both individuals and churches, to pray, speak, give, and go for the sake of unreached people groups. How will you join us in this work?