Ahmed and Mahmood
One night, I was at home and got a text from a couple of guys that wanted to come over. I was already pretty tired from a long day, and it was already 10 p.m. at this point. And since they normally stay for a couple of hours at least, I knew I was signing myself up for a long night.
After they arrived, I found out they were going through a hard time and just wanted to process what was happening in their lives. Both guys are new believers from a Muslim background. Every time we meet, they usually have a practical question or two about Christianity and what the best biblical response is to their situation. This particular night Ahmed wanted to have a spiritual conversation and Mahmood just wanted to hang out and talk. Ahmed said “My grandmother just passed away. She did not know Jesus. Does this mean that she went to hell?”
This, of course, is a hard conversation to have with someone, and internally they knew the answer to the question but hoped for another answer from me. As we talked about it and looked at the Scriptures on the subject, I began to see an urgency in their eyes. They started with an urgency to tell their family and friends. I thank the Lord that He moved that night. He gave them the answer and He alone gave them the urgency to tell others that need to know about Him. They left my house saying, “I need to tell my parents about Jesus. I need for my sisters and brothers to know about Him. He is the truth.”
I need for my sisters and brothers to know about Him. He is the truth.
Jesus is stirring these men to action. They have an urgency now to share with others. We are excited as we continue to walk this journey with them.
Every believer is called to go
Whether to your neighbor across the street or to the nations across the world. At Live Dead, we exist to take the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard in the countries that have limited to no access to this good news. We seek to mobilize advocates, both individuals and churches, to pray, speak, give, and go for the sake of unreached people groups. How will you join us in this work?